Delta Phi Epsilon was formed for the purpose of promoting good fellowship among sorority women, to help in acquiring knowledge, appreciation, discriminating judgment, and true feelings in sisterly love, through the interaction of sympathetic and friendly natures. Delta Phi Epsilon was founded on March 17, 1917 by Dororthy Cohen Schwartzman, Ida Bienstock Landau, Minna Goldsmith Mahler, Eva Effron Robin, and Sylvia Steierman Cohn (DIMES.) These sisters founded the Alpha chapter at New York University Law School. On March 17, 1922 Delta Phi Epsilon became incorporated under the laws of the state of New York. It then become an international sorority on December 5, 1922 when the Epsilon chapter was established at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.
Delta Phi Epsilons official flower is the Lovely Purple Iris and our mascot is the Unicorn. We support three philanthropies: The national Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa, and the Delta Phi epsilon Educational Foundation.
Our official active badge is in the shape of an equilateral triangle. It traditionally is bordered with 21 pearls and bears our motto, Esse Quam Videri, which means to be rather than to seem to be.
Delta Phi Epsilon
Delta Phi Epsilon is one of two national sororities on campus. We devote our time to helping the community and promoting good will. Our three philanthropies are cystic fibrosis, anorexia nervous and related disorders, and the Delta Phi Epsilon education foundation. We also do volunteer work at Whaley's children center.
Although we invest a lot of our time into community service we find time to have fun as well. We have sisterhood sleepovers, serenade fraternities, go on a date hayride, and have a semi-formal dance.
Sisterhood Sleepover
Gather for a picture girls. This is a family of sisters, Nicole, Jessica, Tiffany, Andrea, and Jodie!